
Showing posts from August, 2017
The Middle Ages was a time of hardwork and dedication for women from teen years to adulthood. Women worked with and for their husbands at anytime. They had roles suck as caring for the children, preparing food, and helping with the livestock. At some point, they joindd their husband im the fields to help with crips. They also worked im vital cottage industries, such as baking , brewing, and manufacturing textiles. All through the Middle Ages women were often dictated by biblical texts. As there were house and field women there were "successful" women who held high positions in certain areas. For example there were queens and abbesses of convents who were women. There were alot of women who couldn't control their own lives. There were many that had to marry and become a  nun. Young women (teenagers) were married and they were responsible to handle business as it was told like an adult woman. Women in the Middle Ages had it bad to the point it became bad for them during pre
Alexis Peters August 20, 2017 at 3:36 PM Geoffrey Chaucer was known as the supreme example of the Gothic artists. Chaucer was very much never understood but he was always applauded and admired for his works. Many would get to excited and put him on a higher level than he already was saying that he is "the father of English literature " and the prime shaper of the English language, but he was just as they said that he was. Before him there were G.L Kittredge , John Speirs , Pandarus, and Criseyde who were the first in English literature before Chaucer. Chaucer had mang writing such as the Canterbury tales (which was hus most famous one) which were divided into categories such as the French influence, Italian tendencies and last but not least English realism, they all reflect the gradual rejection of medieval conventionalism and the movement toward modern realism. Geoffrey Chaucer was such a realist that once you understood his poetry styles and how he writes you will gain a