
Showing posts from April, 2018

Overveiw Of The Color Purple

    The novel was very entertaining for readers such as myself because it gave more of an insight to womanhood during that time and how many woman are more stronger than the other but at some point they are all the same. The men of the novel were the same as the woman but they had more power or the "upper hand ". In the novel Celie is the main character and is going through a whole lot since 14 ( the books age) but we aren't sure if that's when it all started. Everything switched around for Celie when it got to the end of the novel, I guess she was right when she would say things would last for a minute but heaven last forever. This shows that Celie knew that one day she will get her happiness. This happiness was for all the characters in the novel , even the bad ones received what was destined to happen. Overall the novel is better than the movie but it doesn't matter which one you watch because they are both classics and always will be.

The Color Purple

      In the novel The Color Purple by Alice Walker there are many differences in the movie from the novel. In the novel Celie and Shug has a strange connection that is very intense but however, in the movie their relationship is watered down which makes readers of the novel rethink their relationship. Also, in the novel Celie addresses letters to God but in the movie it downplays the real meaning of why she wrote to God and told him everything. The movie to me is more of emotions and feelings and really just gives a face to the characters, but the novel gives reason and understanding which the movie kind of lacks. The novel shows the characters strong points but the movie makes the characters seem to have soft spots in different situations.       With all of the differences, they decided to keep the novel in the movie. One way was when Celie was raped by her stepfather she had two kids who were given away to a couple who couldn't have kids. This was very important and in the mov