The Color Purple

      In the novel The Color Purple by Alice Walker there are many differences in the movie from the novel. In the novel Celie and Shug has a strange connection that is very intense but however, in the movie their relationship is watered down which makes readers of the novel rethink their relationship. Also, in the novel Celie addresses letters to God but in the movie it downplays the real meaning of why she wrote to God and told him everything. The movie to me is more of emotions and feelings and really just gives a face to the characters, but the novel gives reason and understanding which the movie kind of lacks. The novel shows the characters strong points but the movie makes the characters seem to have soft spots in different situations.
      With all of the differences, they decided to keep the novel in the movie. One way was when Celie was raped by her stepfather she had two kids who were given away to a couple who couldn't have kids. This was very important and in the movie they told the story of what happened to the kids and their background. Womanhood is in the novel and the movie , which is another similarity they have. Womanhood is growing in Celie, Shug, Sofia, and Mary Agnes etc... through them both. Last but not least, in both the novel and the movie it gave lessons for the reader to gain. To keep the movie like he novel had to be hard because the novel is more intense that the movie.


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