Ralph Ellison was born in 1913 where racism was very much alive. However, years later he applied and got accepted into an all black college by the name of Tuskegee University but as he made his way to the school and got settled in he realized that the all black college is the same as an all white college, he didn’t see not difference only skin color. But during his college life and after in the 1930s the Great Depression had started. Times was already bad for African Americans but this made it worse. During this time blacks were the first to be laid off from jobs that they had been working hard to keep.
     The spark of the African Americans coming together to get what they deserved created something called the New Deal. Also, when Ellison book was published in 1945 the Civil Rights Movement was starting to make some noise throughout every state. This was a good time that his book released because it showed how whites looked at blacks and how they categorized them. The book also refers to the racism that was very known everywhere and doesn’t matter where you go as a black person you will receive some type of racism, even if it’s known or not.
       In the present time, yes racism is still around and will never go because all the stereotypes that whites have on blacks. Times has gotten easier since the Civil Rights Movement however the crime hasn’t. Instead of the white saying that they dislike blacks they created violence that all created problems. African Americans have been stereotyping each other and creating sections between blacks and whites because of what people say that has been traveling amd traveling for generations because we as blacks has accepted what we and they say about each other. 


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