
Overveiw Of The Color Purple

    The novel was very entertaining for readers such as myself because it gave more of an insight to womanhood during that time and how many woman are more stronger than the other but at some point they are all the same. The men of the novel were the same as the woman but they had more power or the "upper hand ". In the novel Celie is the main character and is going through a whole lot since 14 ( the books age) but we aren't sure if that's when it all started. Everything switched around for Celie when it got to the end of the novel, I guess she was right when she would say things would last for a minute but heaven last forever. This shows that Celie knew that one day she will get her happiness. This happiness was for all the characters in the novel , even the bad ones received what was destined to happen. Overall the novel is better than the movie but it doesn't matter which one you watch because they are both classics and always will be.

The Color Purple

      In the novel The Color Purple by Alice Walker there are many differences in the movie from the novel. In the novel Celie and Shug has a strange connection that is very intense but however, in the movie their relationship is watered down which makes readers of the novel rethink their relationship. Also, in the novel Celie addresses letters to God but in the movie it downplays the real meaning of why she wrote to God and told him everything. The movie to me is more of emotions and feelings and really just gives a face to the characters, but the novel gives reason and understanding which the movie kind of lacks. The novel shows the characters strong points but the movie makes the characters seem to have soft spots in different situations.       With all of the differences, they decided to keep the novel in the movie. One way was when Celie was raped by her stepfather she had two kids who were given away to a couple who couldn't have kids. This was very important and in the mov
Dear, Ralph Ellison Your book Invisible man was written in the late 1940s and our history books and other technologies help us understand what it was like back in that time, however we will never experience it. This award winning book is however still relevant in todays society in 2018 because the way you wrote the book and the things you let the narrator experience and see for himself is how African Americans are still today. In your book you talked about how the narrator gave his speach in-front of the whites after the battle royal and they weren’t paying attention and laughing and him and when he slipped up and said something that needed to be said the white men's had to “correct” him . That happens today also because times for African Americans are better than it was but its alot of things that we hoped for and didn’t receive. Many think that WE are less then they are and that we aren’t educated enough to speak what we know and that has been an issue for a long time. But your
Two themes of these chapters are racism, confusion, and pretend. I believe racism because through out the passage the narrator is getting wrongful treatment because of the color of his skin. I believe confusion because as the narrator reaches harlem he is confused on why the treatment is different from the south than up north. Pretend because as he reached up north he met some men that said that he will have stay to yourself self and play the game. The poem I, Too and Refugee in America  by Langston Hughes shows theses themea because it says that we are free even though they say that we are because we still have to look over our shoulders to make sure we dont make a mistake and that being black is hard when we want to be successful.
Chapter 7 1. Telling him to be himself and see what the world has in store for him and he should “fake it till he makes it .” 2. He means that he has to be himself and explore and learn everything himself and discipline himself. 3. The allusion used is when Jonah was in the belly of the whale and the whale was guiding him and the narrator need to be guided through Harlem.
Chapter 4 1. When he was at the campus he didn’t feel as he belonged their because he talked about how the students were peaceful and carefree, however he wasn’t. 2. I believe he hates them because first Trueblood did something disrespectful to his daughter and claim it was an accident and he hates the people at Golden Gate is because he thinks that they have messed up his chance at staying in that college. 3. Because back when slavery was bad, the plantation is where all blacks worked and lived he compares it because their is alot of blacks that attend that college. 4. Because he has figured out how to play the white people games so they can like him. 5. They are metaphors because Dr. Bledsoe hides who he really is when he going to have interactions with white people. He isn’t really showing emotions or his normal movements and the aquarium with fish is just the same, they don’t show no emotions just the movement of their fins. Chapter 5 1. That the white man still watches o

Invisible man (chapters 1&2 )

Chapter 1 1. When he refers to the greek sirens 2. His grandfather is saying that he should not make a sence only just play the game they play but have a backup plan. 3. Booker T Washington was a black successful man who was very educated and he is leading in the same path as Washington, thats why he is viewing himself that way. 4. He knows that he shouldn’t feel no way towards him because this is all for the white mans entertainment. 5. He sees how the white mem are and how they act and when he was giving his speach and he said the wrong but right thing, he seen amd knew what he was suppose to say and not. Chapter 2 1. As he was driving the white man home he needed to follow the white line. 2. It shows that white men or people are the leaders of education and the slaves who built is just a background. 3. I find that it was innocent because he talked like he was trying to be forgived and also like he rehearsed the whole speach. 4. He creates an allusion when they narrator