Invisible man (chapters 1&2 )

Chapter 1

1. When he refers to the greek sirens
2. His grandfather is saying that he should not make a sence only just play the game they play but have a backup plan.
3. Booker T Washington was a black successful man who was very educated and he is leading in the same path as Washington, thats why he is viewing himself that way.
4. He knows that he shouldn’t feel no way towards him because this is all for the white mans entertainment.
5. He sees how the white mem are and how they act and when he was giving his speach and he said the wrong but right thing, he seen amd knew what he was suppose to say and not.

Chapter 2

1. As he was driving the white man home he needed to follow the white line.
2. It shows that white men or people are the leaders of education and the slaves who built is just a background.
3. I find that it was innocent because he talked like he was trying to be forgived and also like he rehearsed the whole speach.
4. He creates an allusion when they narrator talks about the way he dresses and talks. Which means that he is a rich, educated, very well dressed white man.
5. Because even though this man is poor he still is white and during this time it didn’t matter how rich or poor you were if you are white you would still have power of blacks , thats why he was scared.
6. I believe the enthusiasm comes from when the narrator find out that the Trueblood gets his own daughter pregnant.
7. It is foreshadowing because blacks know where to go and where not to go so this place he came to was a bit eye opener.
8. Because mr norton knows that what the trueblood did is wrong and disrespectful to his daughter.
9. Blindness and innocence because he thinks he did nothing wrong.
10. Because the white people award them for good behavior but the black people see their flaws.
11. She was going to give his daughter an abortion.
12. Because he is making the black community look worse than it does.
13. He wants to make sure he gives back to his white community.


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