Dear, Ralph Ellison

Your book Invisible man was written in the late 1940s and our history books and other technologies help us understand what it was like back in that time, however we will never experience it. This award winning book is however still relevant in todays society in 2018 because the way you wrote the book and the things you let the narrator experience and see for himself is how African Americans are still today. In your book you talked about how the narrator gave his speach in-front of the whites after the battle royal and they weren’t paying attention and laughing and him and when he slipped up and said something that needed to be said the white men's had to “correct” him . That happens today also because times for African Americans are better than it was but its alot of things that we hoped for and didn’t receive. Many think that WE are less then they are and that we aren’t educated enough to speak what we know and that has been an issue for a long time. But your books helps us know that we have to continue to play the game as we have been all the time. You had you narrator on the bus and one man said that you have to be your own father and we actually have to be both parents in today’s society because we grow up pretty fast here in the 2000s. When the man stated that it open the narrator up to show him that he has to fake it till he makes it or the white people up north will ruin him. So far this book has created many eye openers about problems today and problems that we dont want to happen so this book gives me a feeling of invisibility for my fellow African Americans.

Sincerely with love

Alexis Peters


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