
Showing posts from 2017
Macbeth Act 2  Banquo’s knowledge of the witches’ prophecy makes him both a potential ally and a potential threat to Macbeth’s plotting. For now, Macbeth seems distrustful of Banquo and pretends to have hardly thought of the witches, but Macbeth’s desire to discuss the prophecies at some future time suggests that he may have some sort of conspiratorial plans in mind. The appearance of Fleance, Banquo’s son, serves as a reminder of the witches’ prediction that Banquo’s children will sit on the throne of Scotland. We realize that if Macbeth succeeds in the murder of Duncan, he will be driven to still more violence before his crown is secure, and Fleance will be in immediate and mortal danger.
Macbeth Act 1 summary There were 3 witches also known as the weird sisters met Macbeth while it was thundering and lightning to tell him something that he thought was impossible to do. However, Macbeth declares that he no longer wants to kill Duncan then Lady Macbeth  tells him her plan: while Duncan sleeps, she will give his chamberlains wine to make them drunk, and then she and Macbeth  can slip in and murder Duncan. They will smear the blood of Duncan on the sleeping chamberlains to cast the guilt upon them.
27  The  Lord  is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the  Lord  is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? 2  When the wicked, even mine enemies and my foes, came upon me to eat up my flesh, they stumbled and fell. 3  Though an host should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear: though war should rise against me, in this will I be confident. 4  One thing have I desired of the  Lord , that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the  Lord  all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the  Lord , and to enquire in his temple. 5  For in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion: in the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me; he shall set me up upon a rock. 6  And now shall mine head be lifted up above mine enemies round about me: therefore will I offer in his tabernacle sacrifices of joy; I will sing, yea, I will sing praises unto the  Lord . 7  Hear, O  Lord , when I cry with my voice: have mercy also upon me, and ans
King lear (no fear) I give king lear a 4.5 star rating because it is a good book to read with dramatic parts but the parts where everywhere which confused me and the characters names where to close to each other which also confused me also. However, this book will have you on your toes and ready to read more and start predicting the ending. Even though you might think you know the ending, but you will be far from it and that is the wonderful thing about this book. And also this book will have you laughing from ear to ear because of the jokes and the remarks from some of the characters. Therefore, this book will be good to read with advanced placement students or your own personal reading.


      During the fall season it is very windy and leaves are everywhere. A very holy man name John was walking through the villages visiting the sick and helping the poor and old. Then one day as he was leaving from what he always do, a big strong wind stops John in his path and he had to catch his balance. After that he continues to move forward to head home as he comes upon another village that looks strange from the time he passed through it earlier. John starts to glance around to find what is different and as he is glancing around he bumps into a beautiful young lady that goes by the name Sarah that is holding bread but it fell when john bumps her.       As he helps her pick up the bread he apologizes and tells her to have a bless day. Sarah then asked john which way he was walking and he walking the same way as her so he walked with her till she reached her point. During their walk Sarah asks John a millions questions and he gave honest replies. Sarah's intentions were to te
The Middle Ages was a time of hardwork and dedication for women from teen years to adulthood. Women worked with and for their husbands at anytime. They had roles suck as caring for the children, preparing food, and helping with the livestock. At some point, they joindd their husband im the fields to help with crips. They also worked im vital cottage industries, such as baking , brewing, and manufacturing textiles. All through the Middle Ages women were often dictated by biblical texts. As there were house and field women there were "successful" women who held high positions in certain areas. For example there were queens and abbesses of convents who were women. There were alot of women who couldn't control their own lives. There were many that had to marry and become a  nun. Young women (teenagers) were married and they were responsible to handle business as it was told like an adult woman. Women in the Middle Ages had it bad to the point it became bad for them during pre
Alexis Peters August 20, 2017 at 3:36 PM Geoffrey Chaucer was known as the supreme example of the Gothic artists. Chaucer was very much never understood but he was always applauded and admired for his works. Many would get to excited and put him on a higher level than he already was saying that he is "the father of English literature " and the prime shaper of the English language, but he was just as they said that he was. Before him there were G.L Kittredge , John Speirs , Pandarus, and Criseyde who were the first in English literature before Chaucer. Chaucer had mang writing such as the Canterbury tales (which was hus most famous one) which were divided into categories such as the French influence, Italian tendencies and last but not least English realism, they all reflect the gradual rejection of medieval conventionalism and the movement toward modern realism. Geoffrey Chaucer was such a realist that once you understood his poetry styles and how he writes you will gain a
Hey, my name is Grant and im a teacher for african American kids and my teaching skills have been tested on teaching someone something that they already are and I need advice on how to tell a man that he isn't a hog. People have called him that and it stuck with him now he is acking like a hog. He has had incidents to where when i gave him food he ate it like a hog. He has said verbally that be is a hog but thats only because thats what they want him to think. He is really a good man that was found guilty of a crime that he didn't commit. He was just in the store with liquor in his hand but he didn't kill anybody. Since he is an African American they want to say he guilty and call him out his name. I want to help but it's challenging in a way.What can i do or say that will help me get the idea of him being a hog out his head to him knowing that he is a man just like me and i can get this big responsibility off my shoulders ?
Quotation Assignment - questions 2 & 3 Quote - " i want the teacher to visit my boy, i want the teacher make him know he's not a hog , he's a man. I want him to know that 'fore be go to that chair , mr.henri " 2. This quotation characterizes miss emma as a caring person and she wants grant to go out as a man not no animal that they have him thinking that he is. 3. Yes , it indicates a conflict, the conflict is that miss emma wants the teacher to come show jefferson that he is a man but mr. Pichot doesn't want to help because he doesn't like jefferson and plus the teacher doesn't see the point in helping him because he is going to die anyways.
A Lesson before Dying - chapter 3-4 discussion questions Chapter 3 1. Mr. Pichot had no doubt in his mind that jefferson did it and really didn't care much about jefferson. Meaning that he didn't want to help him and he wanted him to pay for a crime that he think jefferson committed. 2. Grant is impling that miss emma doesn't want jefferson to die as a “hog" bud as a man and she needs a teacher to teach him. 3. The back door symbolized where they had to come in and go out of and get things from because they were black. Blacks weren't allowed to enter the front door of any place that didn't allow blacks. 4. Miss emmma prevails because mr.pichot owes her family something for the hard work that they have done and speaking to the sheriff didn't seem like a big favor for mr.pichot to do since they were related in such a way . Chapter 4 1. It's mainly where jefferson will go to be kilt because they consider him a "hog"  and thats where
In Martin Luther King Jr. speech " I Have A Dream " he used many rhetorical strategies to get point across to his African American people and also to show how he felt during this time of segregation. The two strategies he used that i will discuss are allusion and pathos. I will use these because i feel that they are very two important strategies. King was a very intelligent person that used many words to show how powerful and important his speech was.     He used allusion to go back in time to bring back an important time in history that all the African Americans will remember. He used it by saying " Five score years ago " he was referring to the Emancipation proclamation that was signed. Also he said " But one hundred years later, the negro still is not free". Then he used pathos by saying " This will be the day when all Gods children will be able to sing with a new meaning" he is saying thats when segregation and all the hatred to African Amer


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