
      During the fall season it is very windy and leaves are everywhere. A very holy man name John was walking through the villages visiting the sick and helping the poor and old. Then one day as he was leaving from what he always do, a big strong wind stops John in his path and he had to catch his balance. After that he continues to move forward to head home as he comes upon another village that looks strange from the time he passed through it earlier. John starts to glance around to find what is different and as he is glancing around he bumps into a beautiful young lady that goes by the name Sarah that is holding bread but it fell when john bumps her.
      As he helps her pick up the bread he apologizes and tells her to have a bless day. Sarah then asked john which way he was walking and he walking the same way as her so he walked with her till she reached her point. During their walk Sarah asks John a millions questions and he gave honest replies. Sarah's intentions were to test John to see if his belief and faith was in God as he portrayed and said. That is when Sarah came up with the idea to lie to John stating that she is getting abused at home by her boyfriend. She then asked John to help her get out the house before he comes back home, and John agrees to help.
      As they reached the house he looked confused because he never seen this house before during his paths. When John walks in the house after asking for permission he gets trapped by a demon spirit that is trying to get his soul and then the beautiful young lady turned into the person she really was which is Satan. He had John tied up really tight to where he can not move anywhere. Then the devil says to John " I will free you if you be on my team and help me conquer the world". That's when John denied his offer and said " If I can not be free because I wont join your team then I will pray myself free". That is when John started praying and talking to the lord. After John finished praying he becomes free from all that was holding him down. However, he hears a voice saying " John the devil wanted to test one of my faithful children and you passed the test and for your faithfulness you will be blessed forever ". During that time the devil was not pleased and he vanished and so did the house and that is when John ran home to share his testimony and help others.


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