Emily Dickinson - January 15, 2018

1. “Forever is composed of nows.”
- meaning that forever is what many people look for in life and can't wait to reach and saying that it is composed of nows is saying that forever is now and you should be happy and overjoyed that your forever is now .

2. “That it will never come again is what makes life so sweet.”
- here Emily could have been talking about death, pain, or a relationship with someone and saying that it will never come again would be sweet because you wouldn’t have to experience that anymore.

3. “If i can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain.”
- meaning that she has gotten her heart broken many times and is now feelind regret from that heartbreak and if she can stop someone else’s heart from feeling the same way, maybe she might not have to live with the regret.

4. “If i read a book and it makes my whole body so cold no fire can ever warm me, i know that is poetry.”
- meaning that if i read poetry and i get the chills and nothing can take it out my hand or erase it from my mind then what i just read is real poetry.

5. “This is my letter to the world
       That never wrote to me”
- meaning that she is writing to the people of the world to give them some type of pleasure however, the world never wrote a letter to her and she had to experience the world herself to see how it really is

6. “Saying nothing sometimes says the most”
- meaning that some people often keep to themselves and stay out of harms way and when trouble comes to them ...their silent because words can often cause more trouble but leaving the trouble where it is can show who you really are.

7. “I dwell in possibility...”
- meaning that she lives in a place of uncertainty and anything can happen at any place and any time and there's nothing to be done.

8. “Nature is a haunted house-but art-is a house that tries to be haunted.”
-meaning that nature is open to everyone and everything and is very dangerous to experience and since art is becoming popular it is moving in the line of everyone and everything.

9. “Parting is all we know of Heaven,
      and all we need of hell.”
-meaning that when we die we part away from the world and go to heaven which is good but what is also good is that we are parting away from the sins of hell.

10. “I have been bent and broken, but-I-hope-into a better shape.”
-meaning that she had been through trials and tribulations and ups and downs but is hoping that everything she has been through is going to create a stronger and better person.

11. “in this short life
       that only last ah hour
       how much-how little-is
       within our power.”
- meaning that with the limited amount of life that we are given to live in this world, how much can we actually to while we are still here before out time runs out.

12. “Whenever a thing is done for the first time, it releases a little demon.”
-meaning that if you do something and it is very known throughout the world and you feel that fame, then the fame starts to dim down and thats when you will do anything to get the feeling of fame and want back which releases a demon.

13. “To shut your eyes is to travel.”
-meaning that your mind is an adventurous place and when you take time to close your eyes and let your mind take to you places you will travel unknown places

14. “open me carefully.”
- meaning that when you want to get to known me and see who I really am open me with good intentions and very slow because you can hurt me or i can hurt you.

15. “Till i loved i never liked enough.”
-meaning that before you love someone you have to like them or have feelings for them and saying till i loved i never liked enough is saying that you haven’t experienced the right kind of like for someone to love them and since it hasn’t came yet ...you haven’t experienced liking someone enough.


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